Course to autonomy

Develop your paragliding skills and continue to have fun.


After having tasted the joy of paragliding during a beginner’s course, you must now build upon your first experience. The repetition of the different phases of flight and the learning of specific techniques will complete your knowledge.

The program

Ground handling sessions to bring you back up to speed.
Learning of piloting techniques (ears, speed bar, …).
Learning of active piloting: management and damping of the wing’s movements (pitch and roll).
Debriefing of flights and theory lessons.
Pedagogical tandem flights on request, if necessary.

Level: Pilot who has recently done a beginner’s course or who has not flown in a while

Teaching: 2 instructors for up to 7 pilots


Week: Low season: 690 € – High season : 720 €
(High season from  4th July to   26th August 2022)

Week-end : Week-end: 288 €
Special rates with the Training Pack

When the course is full, you can contact us to register on the waiting list.

Become autonomous in paragliding and discover different flying sites around St Hilaire.


If you wish to reach a greater autonomy, you need to vary the flight situations to the maximum (different sites, conditions of flight, exercises…). This will allow you to be more comfortable in « familiar » situations. Given the varied program of this course, we will adapt the sessions to the level of each student.

The program
– Discover new sites
– Update your piloting techniques (flight in light ascending current, management of turbulence, descent techniques, ground handling, reverse launch….)
– Acquisition of autonomy towards the pilot’s licence
– Use of the flight simulator to refine your piloting
– Debriefing of flights, video analysis of take-offs and theory lessons

Level: Minimum 20 flights or one advanced 1 course in the last 6 months

Guiding: 2 instructors for up to 7 pilots


Week: Low season: 690 € – High season : 720 €
(High season from  4th July to 26th August 2022)

Week-end : Week-end: 288 €
Special rates with the Training Pack

When the course is full, you can contact us to register on the waiting list.

To fly simply and serenely.


This is a new formula for the Advance 2 level course for pilots who wish to progress slowly or for pilots who wish to regain confidence in flying.
Take advantage of the motivation of the group and the mental approach to boost your flying pleasure. The Advance  Zen is only available as a week’s course, to give you time to enjoy it…
Advance Zen is simply flying, choosing gentle conditions at the beginning and/or end of the day, in order to enjoy the flight as much as possible without any performance objective!

The program

– Discovery of new sites
– Search for pleasure depending on your motivation
– Define objectives and practice adapted to your motivation and your mindset
– Use of the flight simulator to refine your flying
– Mental approach to flying
– Have fun in suitable weather

Level: Minimum 20 flights or one Advanced  1 course in the last 6 months.

Guiding: 2 instructors for up to 7 pilots


It’s cancelled.

To refresh your skills, regain your confidence or do a technical evaluation before resuming your paragliding training.


This course is perfect for a pilot who wishes to regain automatic reflexes, to get back in the saddle after a break in the activity, or to improve take-off technique.

The program

During a day on a training hill, you will get back in touch with the wing at your own pace to check your launch and inflation management. Then, we will review your theoretical needs (harness installation, use of the rescue, flight plan, etc.) to prepare for the return to flight on another course.

Level: Pilot with flying experience.

Guiding : 1 insctructor for 6 students


138 € a day

You want to continue to enjoy yourself and become an autonomous pilot.
=10 days’ training + 2 free days
This training cycle should bring you to a level of « Brevet Initial » or « Brevet de Pilote » depending on your starting level.
This means being able to fly :
– In calm conditions on familiar sites for the Brevet Initial, discover active piloting and be able to manage the wing balance.
– On any type of site (more or less technical), to choose the site depending on the day’s conditions and to fly in autonomy in ascending conditions for the Brevet de Pilote.

It is up to you to choose the pace you wish to follow for the 12 days of training in our courses.
Example of a 12-day course
* Advance 2 course of 5 days
* 5-day Advance Thermal course
* 2 days in a Advance Thermal course week or week end
You can also start your training from the Advance  Thermal
The choice is yours!

The courses are not necessarily consecutive, remember to register for each of the courses chosen.
This training can be done at the weekend or during the week.

Level: all levels

1410 €
When registering, please specify that you are choosing the Training Pack to benefit from this rate.


Our team has always been innovative in its teaching methods. We constantly question our teaching techniques in order to make them evolve according to our knowledge and our material, we discuss and harmonize our pedagogy during our meetings throughout the year.

Continuing your training

If you have already made some great flights during a beginner’s course, or if you have not flown for more than a year, we suggest you continue your training with the  Advanced 1.
You have done an introductory course and an Advanced  1 course, your last flights are less than a year old, it is time to validate your knowledge with the Brevet de Pilote Initial, you can try to pass  it during your Advanced 2 course
If you want to progress slowly or if you want to regain your confidence in flying, we recommend the Advance Zen course.

An ideal location

Our premises are less than 2 minutes walk from the take-off, which for many years has allowed us to exploit every possible flight window.

Depending on the weather, we do not hesitate to move to one of the many sites in the vicinity in order to find the best possible aerological conditions.

We have several training slopes, one on the plateau and the other in the valley next to the landing area, so they are suitable for all types of weather conditions and become real tools for progress on the ground.

We have two classrooms equipped with computers for video debriefing and theory lessons.